Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

by Lewis Rhodes -
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Hi everyone,

Welcome back to the Link! We hope you've had an excellent summer and are ready for another year of learning. Your teachers are back at work, marking assignments that were submitted over the summer. Please be patient over the next couple weeks as we catch up. We look forward to helping you achieve your academic goals this year!

2022-2023 Staff Contact List:

Principal and Careers/PHE Teacher: Leah Moreau - lmoreau@sd61.bc.ca
Vice-Principal: Amanda Chan - achan@sd61.bc.ca
Math/Science Teacher: Stacey Volk - svolk@sd61.bc.ca
Humanities Teacher: Courtney Clark - coclarke@sd61.bc.ca
Link at Lambrick Program Coordinator: Lewis Rhodes - lrhodes@sd61.bc.ca


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